AVACS meets Control



The Workshop AVACS meets Control aims to bring together researchers from AVACS, especially from project area H, with researchers from Control Theory, to discuss new ideas and current research directions.

The Workshop is embedded into the autumn plenary meeting of the SFB/TRR AVACS.


University of Freiburg
Campus Applied Sciences (Computer Science, Microsystem Engineering)
Freiburg im Brsg.
(see map at google maps)

The workshop will be held in the Kinohörsaal (Cinema lecture hall) of building 082, which is the building No. 5 on the following university map.



09:00 - 09:10

Oliver Theel

Session 1

09:10 - 10:10

Control of piecewise-affine hybrid systems on polytopes
Jan van Schuppen

10:10 - 10:50

Exact and Fully Symbolic Model Checking of Linear Hybrid Automata with Large Discrete State Spaces
Stefan Disch
Slides (password protected)

Coffee Break

Session 2

11:20 - 12:20

Stochastic Hybrid Systems: formal analysis and computable verification
Alessandro Abate
Slides (password protected)

12:20 - 13:00

Analysis of Probabilistic Hybrid Systems by Means of Constraint Solving
Martin Fränzle
Slides (password protected)

Lunch Break

Session 3

14:00 - 15:00

The role of hybrid abstraction and refinement concepts for the systematic design of hierarchical control systems
Jörg Raisch
Slides (password protected)

15:00 - 15:40

Decompositional Stability Proofs for Hybrid Systems
Jens Oehlerking
Slides (password protected)

Coffee Break

Session 4

16:10 - 16:40

Randomness in the AVACS Swiss Army Knife
Holger Hermanns

16:40 - 17:10

Decomposition of Verification Tasks for Cooperating Traffic Agents
Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog
Slides (password protected)

Social Event


Get-Together at Peterhofskeller (Niemensstraße 10, see google map or building 11 at this university map).